Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Larry!

Its offical Larry Jr is Now THREE!! wow.. I am still in shock! my baby can't be Three already!! Well if i believe it or not he is offically three.. For his Birthday we went super early to get his birthday pictures done at Pennys. Then daddy got him a Speical Ice Cream from baskin and Robins. No one else got ice cream but him.. it was a "Birthday Cake" ice cream flavor... all he saw was the sprinkles and he was sold! it was HIS special..He did share though..such a kind boy! After ice cream we went to the play area in the mall, the boys had so much fun! Zachary kept going down the slide on his tummy (yes I was nervous, but he's a boy so I let him) and here comes Big Brother going down the slide on his FEET!!! (okay I was nervous before with zach on his tummy, but with Larry on his feet I have to draw the line somewhere!!! my heart came out of my chest!) But again..they are boys..**Daddy says to look the other way..easier said then done** They are my BABIES!!! *mama Cub here!!

After we played at the mall we headed home for a much needed Nap, Larry jr felt that he didnt have to take one because he is three... after Zachary napped (yeah larry won, he just wasn't tired) we went to Grandma's house larry jr's cousin's were there... I was trying to finish decorating the Dora cake (next time will some one tell me how HARD and Time Consuming it is to frost a cake from a Cake pan!) Later Larry jr said he wanted Red Robin for dinner so we all left and Celebrated his birthday at Red Robin... He got to pick out His meal (from the kids menu of course!) and to his suprise the workers came over to SING to him!! he was so proud and excited!! He loved it!!! (Thanks Red Robin workers for making my son's day!!) After dinner we went back to grandma's house for Presents and Cake!

Then on Saturday was his Friends party at Chuck E. Cheese's He had so much fun!! his favorite game is the Ski ball but he calls it "bowling" I think he spent all his tokens on that game!! All of his friends came to help him celebrate and eat Deigo cake (I ordered it from Albertsons!!!!) and pizza! His new saying now is "Im Three, me big boy now!" We think he had a GREAT Bithday!!!
Thanks for all who came out to help us Celebrate with him turning Three!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Whats New

Here is what is new with the Sund family! I know you all have been waiting to hear from us... (sorry Im Behind on my Blogging, Check me out on FB lol!) Larry Jr's 3rd birthday is Right around the corner! He keeps telling everyone he is Three! I keep asuring him that he is not , and he is STILL 2 until April 2nd... :) (i dont want him to grow up so fast..*sigh*) Its cute when he says "Im April" but it dosnt quite sound like "april" more like "I'm apull" he is trying to say his Birthday is April. heheh!! He is doing Great in School! Learning lots of new songs, and is coming out of his shell and talking more in class! :) Zachary is 17 months tomorrow on the 9th! I cant belive it... he is just growing up so fast, yet still looks like a 10 month old HA! poor guy he got my genes in Height! He is learning new words and talking good, Its not clear to every one else what he says but Mom knows! :) Also we have been teaching him sign language and he knows quite a few words now and he is actually signing back finally!
Over the past few years observing our children we have come to the conclusion that Larry Jr will be a Pro Athlete we are not sure on what sport just yet, he LOVES Basketball, Soccer and Racquet ball we'll see what one he goes for!! Zachary we think will become a dentist! He is always putting his tooth brush in his mouth! He Loves to brush his teeth! Both GREAT Careers dont ya think!
We are Still working on our Kitchen for those who have been following us on FB. its a work in progress!! We are just not really liking the cabinets that we have so we are now looking at different ones. Ones that we really like and that work with our kitchen size. It will be worth the Wait when its done, im Sure of it!! This month there are a Few Birthdays in the Family so check out the MARCH birthday to the Right! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all in March!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Its that time again! Holidays are here and soon they will be gone. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year, we all went to Grandmas house for dinner and then we went shopping!! Katelyn, Zachie and I were in line at old navy Bright and early! 2:50am to be exact! we hit Old Navy, JC Pennys (for the snow glob of course), Walmart, Lowes, Target, Burlington Coat Factory, Game stop.. and some other places..Yep were "one of those" we scored some Great deals that day and had a Blast! We didnt get done shopping til late afternoon then it was time for a much needed nap! I've got most of my xmas shopping done! Can you belive it its two weeks before xmas and I only have three more people to check off the list! Im Proud to say the least!!

Last friday was Daddy's work xmas party... We all got sick the past week (not fun!) so L.J and I were the only two that went. We had a great time! there was food, music and dancing... Friday afternoon we put the decorations on the just to keep the candy canes High so the kids will stop eating them! who thought of putting Candy canes on the tree anyways?! well with two weeks left until xmas and only three weeks left of this year I hope everyone has a Wonderful holiday this season may it be Chrismas or Chanukah may it be a Blessed season for you all! God Bless!

Friday, October 30, 2009


We all know how much I LOVE my Moybwrap righ!! Well last night L.J was taking his Monkey "Lala" and stuffing her down his shirt.. and said "look mommy Lala in my shirt" I said aww how cute!! And just then a Lightbulb came on in my head! HEY!! I could make him a Mobywrap!! its just a long piece of frabric..right? So I went though my fabric box and wraped him up! we Stuffed Lala in the wrap and he was So excited!!! I said "Look your just like Mommy!!" I got to take some pics too right before he was "done" playing.. he thought it was just so much fun! he giggled and showed off his "Mobywrap"!!! I know at they sell kid wraps how fun would that be!!! heheh!!!

Mobywrap is the BEST (in my mind) wrap!! you can get yours at or if your local (Tacoma) Best Loved Baby sells them too! gotta support our natural baby stores!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Im back!

So after months of not posting or updating I think its about time I get back into the swing of things!! The weather is changing the leaves are falling the boys are Growing so what better to do then update my blog about my boys!!

Here is the update on them

Larry Jr has started Beginners Preschool!! He goes Tue and Thru for 2 hrs. at first he wasnt to sure of it but now he cant wait for school! he has a few friends there and talks about them when he comes home. He is growing up so fast and maturing faster then he should be in my mind! just the other day he had is (fake) cell phone and Daddy said "Lj come inside" and he looked at dad, held his hand out like a highfive and said "Justs a minute dad me on the phone Me talking to Hannah"! hahah it was so cute coming from him. He is such a GREAT big brother always sharing always giving hugs and kisses! truly a blessing to see the boys get along!

Zachary is offically ONE!!! Yeahh Happy Birthday baby boy! he turned 1 on Oct 9th we had a small family party, and then a friends party at Chuck E cheeses he had so much fun! loved the Cake part! he wasnt shy one bit!! Note to future parents of a one year old dont use Dark Frosting!! it get messy and stains HAHA!!! On Zachies birthday we got up and took him for his first hair cut. thinking he would scream his head off we warnned the lady who was cutting his hair and said "brother screamed and cried the whole time.. wouldnt doubt if he did the same" to our Suprise he just sat there like a Champ didnt cry nothing!! after a while he was "Done" sitting in the chair and wanted some one to pick him up he started to cry.. too funny!!!

He is saying a few words Mama, Daddy, Larry, Cat, Meoww, and his favorite right now "light!"

They sure are growing up FAST!! like i said Im Back and Hopefully i will get pics up soon! thanks for staying with me and knowing the Joys and Responsibilitys of a busy mama .. it takes time.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Passover!

Happy Passover!
Well this year I decided to Learn more about Passover and read up on the it. We celebrate it at Chruch and have a nice Dinner but I didnt know about the Unleven bread part. I mean, I knew we eat Matza at chruch with dinner but I didnt know that your not supposed to have it in your house for 8 days! I thought it was a one day event! Wrong!!! I didnt do it very traditional since its my first time going with out unleven bread for eight days..I thought What were we going to eat, we live off breads and pasta! Well, I went online and read what we had to do to get rid of our Leven in the house and I removed it from the cupboards.. A Lot of food has leven in it!!! It felt like never ending, taking stuff out of my cupboards!! I also went on my Favorite Website ( i think its listed on the side of this blog..) she has some Amazing receipes for passover and non passover dinners (you should check it out!) This friday at chruch we are having our annul Passover Dinner! (Hopefully i can post pics) I cant wait! Learn more and remember what God has done for us! Shalom! and Happy Passover!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday L.J

April 2nd 2009 L.J. Turned Two!
we had a big day ahead! first thing was his birthday pictures! we left and went to the Mall to go to Pennys for our 10:10am apt. We walked into the mall and I checked my watch. it was 10 min to 10am so we were about 20 minute early (so I thought!) I figured we should grab a bite to eat before the photo shoot just to keep the boys happy and their smiles on. Off the the food court we went. Mcdees was still serving breakfast so i asked LJ what HE wanted for his Birthday breakfast Pancakes or Pizza. Pizza it was! we ordered our pizza then found a seat in the food court. we were enjoying our once slice of pizza then i checked my watch again. I couldnt believe my eyes it was Still 10 to 10am!! My watch battery was died!! quickly i grabbed my cell phone and it was 10:13 am!!! Hurry I grabbed the kids put them in the stroller and Off we Jogged though the mall to Pennys! *Few* they were running behind so we were not late. Well LJ wasnt having a good photo sessions.. I kept saying "its his party and he can cry if he wants to" lol! We did get a few Great pictures! we also snuck some Easter/Passover pictures in there too of both boys! After the pictures we went to build-a-bear and Larry jr made his very first Bear! he got a Brown bear and named him "Birthday Bear" I got a sound thing where YOU record what you want to say so i had larry Jr say "Happy Birthday" Its so cute!


After Build-a-bear we headed to costco for some gas. then we went to Party World gathered his balloons and plates for his part. Then we met up with Nnenna and Amaris at Chuckie Cheeses they had a blast! we played for a while. After we were both Pooped! we went home and Larry jr and Zachary took their naps! (Yes Both at the SAME time!) that gave me time to finish L.J.'s basketball cake! I think it turned out pretty good! About 5:30 all the family showed up and we ate tacos, opened gifts and ate Cake! Larry jr slept All night long! He had so much fun on his birthday!! Thanks everyone who came!!

Friends Party on Saturday 4/4/09
We had his friends party on the 4th at Odyssey 1! Party started at 2 so the boys and I left early to set up the table. The second I park the car Both boys fall asleep! hum.. what do i do?! Wake them up and have two crankie kids?! or let them sleep for a little bit?! ....You guessed it!! i let them sleep! (you dont mess with crankie kids! LOL) All larrys friends came and played in the jungle gym. From the looks of it every one had a Great time! LJ did have a moment of a meltdown but what do you expect with only a half hr nap?! After he opened his gifts he was back to himself again, off and running around playing with the kids! We all had fun! Thank you everyone who came and made Larry's Second birthday a special one!