Friday, October 30, 2009


We all know how much I LOVE my Moybwrap righ!! Well last night L.J was taking his Monkey "Lala" and stuffing her down his shirt.. and said "look mommy Lala in my shirt" I said aww how cute!! And just then a Lightbulb came on in my head! HEY!! I could make him a Mobywrap!! its just a long piece of frabric..right? So I went though my fabric box and wraped him up! we Stuffed Lala in the wrap and he was So excited!!! I said "Look your just like Mommy!!" I got to take some pics too right before he was "done" playing.. he thought it was just so much fun! he giggled and showed off his "Mobywrap"!!! I know at they sell kid wraps how fun would that be!!! heheh!!!

Mobywrap is the BEST (in my mind) wrap!! you can get yours at or if your local (Tacoma) Best Loved Baby sells them too! gotta support our natural baby stores!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Im back!

So after months of not posting or updating I think its about time I get back into the swing of things!! The weather is changing the leaves are falling the boys are Growing so what better to do then update my blog about my boys!!

Here is the update on them

Larry Jr has started Beginners Preschool!! He goes Tue and Thru for 2 hrs. at first he wasnt to sure of it but now he cant wait for school! he has a few friends there and talks about them when he comes home. He is growing up so fast and maturing faster then he should be in my mind! just the other day he had is (fake) cell phone and Daddy said "Lj come inside" and he looked at dad, held his hand out like a highfive and said "Justs a minute dad me on the phone Me talking to Hannah"! hahah it was so cute coming from him. He is such a GREAT big brother always sharing always giving hugs and kisses! truly a blessing to see the boys get along!

Zachary is offically ONE!!! Yeahh Happy Birthday baby boy! he turned 1 on Oct 9th we had a small family party, and then a friends party at Chuck E cheeses he had so much fun! loved the Cake part! he wasnt shy one bit!! Note to future parents of a one year old dont use Dark Frosting!! it get messy and stains HAHA!!! On Zachies birthday we got up and took him for his first hair cut. thinking he would scream his head off we warnned the lady who was cutting his hair and said "brother screamed and cried the whole time.. wouldnt doubt if he did the same" to our Suprise he just sat there like a Champ didnt cry nothing!! after a while he was "Done" sitting in the chair and wanted some one to pick him up he started to cry.. too funny!!!

He is saying a few words Mama, Daddy, Larry, Cat, Meoww, and his favorite right now "light!"

They sure are growing up FAST!! like i said Im Back and Hopefully i will get pics up soon! thanks for staying with me and knowing the Joys and Responsibilitys of a busy mama .. it takes time.